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Topic outline

  • Intro to Code

    Code is what powers so much of what we do online, both for work and play. In these videos, you'll learn what code is, why so many coding languages exist, and how they are matched to achieve specific tasks. Most importantly, you’ll learn why having a basic understanding of code could be beneficial for you.

    • L1. What​ ​is​ ​Code ​and​ ​how​ ​does​ ​it​ ​work?

      Code powers much of what we see and do in the online world, but what is it exactly and how does it work? Let's clear away the mystery and uncover what coders do. 

    • L2. Introduction to Programming Languages

      Today, hundreds of programming languages exist, each with it's own unique attributes. But why do we need so many options when it comes to code?
    • L3. How Code Powers our Daily Lives

      As technology improves, so do the coding languages that power it. Let's dive a little deeper into how coding has transformed our online experiences, and uncover how code impacts day-to-day life.

    • 4. Working in Code: Developers and Everyday Industries

      Coding is such a big part of our daily lives. Let's explore how code has transformed various industries and how it could benefit you.